Viper Toffi Rebirth Guide

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Rebirth Guide Version 3 - For Fast Progression

This guide describes the most effective way to Rebirth in Collect All Pets!

Guide created by #1 GAMERDAD - Viper_Toffi

Wall Upgrades

Before First Rebirth:

Before First Rebirth
Location Recommendation
Meadow Do Quests and upgrade Damage Upgrade to 20k cost before you get 15 pets.
Forest Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 60k Cost before you get 40 pets.
Desert Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 100k Cost and Speed to 100k before you get 75 pets.
Arctic Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 350k Cost, Complete Speed and Magnet to 333k before you get 120 pets.
Beach Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 1M Cost and Complete Magnet before you get 175 Pets.
Mountain Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 3.5M Cost and unlock Exotic before you get 210 Pets.
Jungle Unlock pet slot and Damage Upgrade to 10M Cost and Droprate to 10M before you start making Predigious Pets.
Jungle Damage Upgrade to 17M cost and Droprate to 17M before you start making Ascended Pets and keep that until Rebirth.
Rebirth's Upgrades
After 1st Rebirth Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 25Mill Cost
During Rebirth 2-3 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 35Mill Cost
During Rebirth 4-5 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 45Mill Cost
During Rebirth 6-7 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 60Mill Cost
During Rebirth 8-9 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 75Mill Cost
During Rebirth 10-12 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 90Mill Cost
During Rebirth 13-15 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 110Mill Cost
During Rebirth 16-20 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 130Mill Cost
During Rebirth 21-30 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 200Mill Cost
During Rebirth 31-40 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 500Mill Cost
During Rebirth 41-50 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 1 Billion Cost
During Rebirth 51-100 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 10 Billion Cost
During Rebirth 101-200 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 30 Billion Cost
During Rebirth 201-300 Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 50 Billion Cost
During Rebirth 301 - Keep doing wall upgrades to a minimum 100 Billion Cost

Rebirth Cave

Rebirth Cave
Rebirth's Upgrades
After 1st Rebirth Get Cheaper Eggs and Primal Prodigious. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 2-3 Get Primal Ascended and +2% on +1% Gold. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 4-5 Get +5% on +1% Gold and +1% on Egg Luck. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 6-7 Get +5% on Egg Luck and -1% on Quest Requirements. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 8-9 Get Extended Damage and Extended Drop Collection Range. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 10-12 Get +10% on Egg Luck and -5% on Quest Requirements. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 13-15 Get Primal Mythical and Even Cheaper Eggs. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 16-20 Get +25% on Egg Luck, -10% on Quest Requirements, and +10% in Quest Luck. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 21-30 Get Rare Earth, +25% Fuse Luck, -25% Quest Requirements, +10% Quest Luck. All Extra put them into Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 31-40 Get -50% Quest Requirements, +25% Quest Luck, +100% 1% Gold, and +500% Hatch Speed
During Rebirth 41-50 Get Froster, Dune Rider, Snowman, Beach Bum, Mountaineer, Jungle, +1% Discovery Luck, Extended Speed, +10% Pet Speed, 1% Attack Rate, Glittering Gold, Unlock Metallic Luck, Generation Station, Automation Station, Calification Station, and +10% Calification Luck.
During Rebirth 51-100 Get Extended Drop Rate, +25% Drop Promotion, Unlock Uncommon R&D, Rare R&D, Epic R&D, Legendary R&D, Predigious R&D, Generation Speed to 2/S, Calification Luck to +50%, Metallic Luck to 0.0001%.
During Rebirth 101-200 Get +100% Drop Promotion, Metallic Luck to +0.0003%, Polish Metal, Prosperous Grounds.
During Rebirth 201-300 Get Gold Horder, Expert's Luck, Mega Damage, Mega Drop Rate, Mega Drop Collection Range, Pet Speed to +100%, Attack Rate to +100%, Exotic Crystal Chance to 100%, and Megnetosphere
During Rebirth 301 - Get Metallic Luck to 0.001%, Generation Speed to 5/S and Calification to +100%

Tips and Comments

Before first Rebirth: The first rebirth takes a long time to do. This game gets easier the longer you play. Here are some tips.

  • Play Active.
  • Collect all gold drops.
  • Do a lot of Quests
  • Remember to harvest the free egg
  • Do NOT AFK play while you have 2x boost on before you have 300 in magnet.
  • Do NOT focus on shiny skins, that will come as you rebirth.
  • You will mostly do quests and run around gathering gold rather than hatching eggs.
  • When you reach your wall upgrade goal for the specific area, then start hatching eggs.
  • It will take approximately 15 hours of gameplay to do the first rebirth if you follow this guide, but remember that requires you to play with others and also that it can take shorter or longer to complete.
  • You can further reduce the rebirth time with the Gamepasses in the game.

Rebirth's Upgrades
After 1st Rebirth At this point you need to think how you want to play your game, you can follow the existing guide's in CAP Discord where you gather a lot of Mythical Stone's each time, or you can follow this guide that is more intended for FUN gameplay and fast progression.
During Rebirth 2-3
During Rebirth 4-5 Egg Luck is one of the most important upgrades in the Rebirth Cave. During this rebirth you will get closer to 100 Shiny score and getting in the Grotto.
During Rebirth 6-7 Questing is a good and fun way to help rebirth and when you pass 1000 in Pet Score you start to get even better quest lines.
During Rebirth 8-9 Now you will start to work on getting your Magnet to 300+ in the achievements. Upgrade in Grotto after you have got 300 on the main one. At this point, you probably can get into the Grotto.
During Rebirth 10-12
During Rebirth 13-15 Your eggs will be at a lower cost now, and you can start with 3 good pets.
During Rebirth 16-20 You mainly improve your rebirth speed and questing speed.
During Rebirth 21-30
During Rebirth 31-40 Your gold income will increase a lot and you will hatch way more eggs that also give you more shiny score, you will get 1000 shiny score to get to Grove and unlock Metallic Luck
During Rebirth 41-50 Improving rebirthing and getting to 10k Pet Score to open up Automation and 1000 in shiny score to unlock Metallic Luck
During Rebirth 51-100 Now you have come to end game and the game changes a lot. It is most important to get those metallic skins to increase damage and gold income. So you need to work on your generation rate for Mythical Stones to invest in Metallic Luck
During Rebirth 101-200 You are deep into the end game now and you will keep on working to get more Metallic skins, but it is slow, the drop rate is low, so focus on your generation of stones.
During Rebirth 201-300 You are now preparing for future updates as you increase your damage and gold income, you will now start to get some decent metallic skins for your pets.
During Rebirth 301 - You are now extremely powerful in the game. So keep working on your shiny score as that gives more gold, keep on working on the metallic score as that gives you even more gold and keep working on pet score as that gives you better luck for shiny skins.


Shortcut Responce
1 Pets Mounted and Fusing
2 Pets-, Shiny Pets-, Metallic Pets- Collected
3 Achievements
4 Game Settings
5 Game Shop
Q Close Windows
E Interaction Key
R Equip Best Pets
F Toggle Follow or Stay for Pets
FFR Insta Spawn Pets in a New Zone
G Toggle Generation Station ON/OFF
Z Tottle Egg Type in Generation Station Autohatch ON/OFF
X Autohatch ON/OFF
C Select Quest and Close Window
CTRL Toggle Discovered Pets

Rebirth Upgrade Stone Cost

Name Cost Max
Cheaper Eggs 1 N/A
Primal Prodigious 3 N/A
Hatch Speed 1 100
Primal Ascended 10 N/A
+1% Gold 5 500
+1% Egg Luck 10 250
-1% Quest Difficulity 5 250
Extended Damage 10 N/A
Extended Drop Range 25 N/A
Primal Mythical 25 N/A
Even Cheaper Egg 75 N/A
+1% Quest Luck 15 375
Rare Earth 10 N/A
+1% Fuse Luck 20 500
Froster 1 N/A
Dune Rider 2 N/A
Snowman 3 N/A
Beach Bum 5 N/A
Mountaineer 10 N/A
Jungle 20 N/A
+1% Discovery Luck 30 750
Extended Damage 15 N/A
+1% Pet Speed 2 200
+1% Attack Rate 20 2000
Glittering Gold 50 N/A
Metallic Luck 10-10k 917k
Generation Station 100 N/A
Automation Station 100 N/A
Calification Station 100 N/A
+1% Calification Luck 5-7.5k 317k
Extended Drop Rate 40 N/A
+1% Drop Promotion 25 2500
Uncommon R&D 250 N/A
Rare R&D 250 N/A
Epic R&D 250 N/A
Legendary R&D 250 N/A
Predogious R&D 250 N/A
+0.01% Generation Speed 10-11k 1335k
Polish Metal 250 N/A
Prosperous Grounds 50 N/A
Gold Horder 250 N/A
Expert's Luck 50 N/A
Mega Damage 500 N/A
Mega Drop Rate 500 N/A
Mega Drop Collection Range 750 N/A
+1% Exotic Crystal 100 10k
Magnetosphere 1000 N/A
Extended Exotic Luck 1000 N/A
Mega Exotic Luck 1500 N/A
+1% Bonus Discovery Luck 10k 250k


  • Hatch an egg you can afford to hatch consistently to get shiny skins and grow shiny score. Base drop rate is 1 in 1000.
  • Metallic Skins:
    • Base Drop Rate is 1 in 10m can improve to 1 in 50k
  • Most Important for Gold income:
    • 1. Metallic Skins
    • 2. Shiny Skins
    • 3. Rebirth Cave Upgrades
    • 4. Wall Upgrades
  • In early game Wall upgrades are the best until 200M Cost.